Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Haast (west coast south island)


OW said...

These are so amazing . Each picture is like a postcard! is it really so cool when you stand in front of it?

Gil Edri said...

Hi Eran and Tammy,

I won't ask how you are doing - I can see from the photos that you are having the time of your life!

great photos - BTW.

In the meantime, we are setteling down in Yuvalim - we like it here a lot, and starting to think about building our home here.

I see you are planned to return on September- We hope to see soon after you are back.

continue to have a great time, and share your moments with us.

Gil & Nurit

Wass Family said...

thanks gil & nurit, we are sure to meet up with you when we return !