Friday, September 7, 2007

White mountains national park, New Hamphshire and six flags new england

After Canada, we headed back down to the US through New Hampshire, and we camped in a nice camp ground right by a stream.
We later went to white mountain national park to a place called polar caves and walked through a series of caves.
After that we went to a motel and the day after that we spent in a huge amusment park called six flags new england - it was amazing !

Neta having a scare on the kiddies roller coaster -

kash kash and meytar at the polar caves -

meytar with her favourite characters from the wiggels in six flags (dorothy the dinasour and wags the dog) -

Meytar and Tammy showing "no hands" on the kiddie rollar coaster-

sitting in the stream in the camp ground with kash kash-

polar caves again-

yossi and noam in a cave-

neta and tammy peeping from a cave

yossi convinced neta to go on the scariest ride - the free fall chair- neta is thinking "what am i doing here......"
Eran on the looping forwards and backwards roller coaster (enlarge to see me in the front seat)
at the stream again

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