A pack of dophins followed the ferry and showed off many tricks during the ride to the ppl on board. They swim very fast and they jumped over each other along the way.

From Queenscliff we went to Leopold a small suburb of the regional city Geelong - we went to a trailer camp right on the sea and got to see some great sun sets.

Geelong is a lovely city on the bay with great green parks and a boardwalk and a free public pool with a water fountain near a circular boardwalk that goes into the sea and has board jumps for ppl to jump into the water. Meytar and I jumped right in and swam to a small float island in the middle. Meytar is getting real confident with her swimming since we got her the swim jacket and she is not afraid to swim in deep water too.

Geelong also has a very old carousel that they kept working - so we did that of course too.

mytar looks as if she is falling of the horse be carefull dear h h hh tova
nitai looks good in the pram he is so cute, with the white shmata on his head.
not a shamata 'stamm'
שיו אני בשוק כמה ניתאי גדל...איזה גבר ! ותודה על התמונות
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