We started in Northern New York State in the largest state park in the US - The Adirondacks.
We rented a mini-van so we all fit in one car and we did a round of purchases in walmart for camping gear including a large tent.
Noam in the river -

A great american invention - "drive thru kaspomat (ATM)" -

Arrived at last at the summit lake George (its been so long ago we forgot the name of the summit, neta yossi help !).
We only remember we got lost and we took another israeli family along with us...

At the mini golf -

Camping in the woods - corn flakes even in nature -

The 2 dudes fast asleep in the $10, garage sale twin stroller we got them -

a walk down the main street in Geroge lake village -

By lake George -

Formula 1 racing - Meytar and Tammy going 200Km/h

At the falls again (we don't remember their name either) -

On the lookout towards lake george from the summit we forgot it's name -

Eran and Yossi (and meytar) working day and night to build the tent -

Yossi found a new friend at the mini golf -